Question 1: How did you first become interested in STEM as a career? Was there a moment or intervention at school that prompted your career choice? E.g. an experience of work, an inspirational teacher, family member etc
From the first time I tried to remove all the iron filings from the garden with a magnet I found, I knew that science was my future. It was days before my parents found me at the end of the garden with a jam jar of iron rubbish. I then heard these funny grains of material were bits of meteorite and I was unstoppable. The perennially ‘cool’ space and astronomy was living in my garden. My father showed me how to make an electromagnet using a battery, wire and a nail. To this day, my mother’s cutlery still comes out of the drawer en masse. What I would later learn to be ‘physics’ was my new cool tool for interesting stuff. Continue reading “The STEMNET case study (part 1)”