While I talk about the role that carbon monoxide poisoning can play in the experience of paranormal activities and hallucinations, I don’t actually use the kit on stage. I doubt it would make for a very exciting element of the show; with most venues being pretty hot on environmental safety and building maintenance these days.
Continue reading “Let’s Talk Tech – 4) ‘The Carbon Monoxide Detector’”Let’s Talk Tech – 3) ‘The Spirit-Box’
No, not the band, but a device that paranormal investigators claim allows them to scan radio frequencies and catch EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomena). This is based on the suggestion that paranormal entities can communicate with the world via FM and AM frequencies. Aside from how convenient it is that they would know how to do that </sarcasm>, you can search for EVPs with very little outlay.
Continue reading “Let’s Talk Tech – 3) ‘The Spirit-Box’”Let’s Talk Tech – 2) EMF Detectors
You’ll often seen these being waved around by ghost hunters, as the claim is that ghosts manifest themselves through disturbances in the local electromagnetic field (EMF). Investigators will refer to witnessing spikes in EMF as ghosts try to communicate with them. I won’t go into why they believe this, other than to say that it is often portrayed as direct communication when the needle moves.
So what is EMF? Let’s not panic about something being a human thing that isn’t a natural phenomenon. We find it in the power put out from the Sun, and when that electromagnetic radiation interferes with the Earth’s magnetic field we witness the Aurora Borealis and Australis, very natural events. Yet humans have filled the earth with EMF too. Modern life brings its conveniences, many electrical in nature; WiFi, microwave ovens, and radio waves, etc.
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